Dr. Lee Returning Home To Dine At Club 33

After working 28 years at Club 33, it was so wonderful to return, but this time I was the guest!
Mickey and Pluto seemed happy to see me and I was sure happy to see them. Honestly, I miss Club 33, being there felt like home.

Dr. Lee Waiting For The Next Drink Order!

Dr. Lee Waiting For The Next Drink Order!

The Famous Dr. Lee!

The Famous Dr. Lee!

Need a bartender? Why not hire Dr. Lee for your next special event!

Holiday party, business meeting, anniversary or any special event, you need a quality bartender! Impress your guests and friends with the bartender to the stars for 28 years at Disneyland's exclusive member-only restaurant, Club 33!

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The Famous Dr. Lee Making Drinks

The Famous Dr. Lee Making Drinks

The Bartender Hall Of Fame is sponsored by www.bartender.com

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

History of the Disney University:

Every Disneyland resort cast member passes through the halls of the Disney University at some point in their Disney career, beginning with Traditions. But where and when did the Disney University begin? In 1962, Van Arsdale France was inspired by Ed Ettinger, Public Relations director who exclaimed," What we need is something that affects the total organization. Some tired training program won't do it. We need something like a university...a program which pioneers new ground in this revolutionary concept of Walt's." And thus the University of Disneyland was created. The name would later be changed to Disney University and replicated in every Disney site around the world. The university's humble beginnings began in a trailer on Harbor Blvd. complete with one projector and the resort's first IBM eletric typewriter. One of the first classes designed after the orientation program was called "You're On Stage at Disneyland," focusing on the product cast members deliver to guests- happiness-and emphasized that we are in the show business, a sentiment that continues to be part of who we are as Disneyland Resort cast members.


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